where students, their families, staff and congregational members are all united in providing a caring family atmosphere and where children are encouraged to reach their full potential through high academic standards and outstanding Christian values.

Lunches prepared in our school kitchen are served at a low cost with milk available for purchase for students bringing their own lunch from home.
Special Education

Help is available through our special needs aide. A limited number of students, based on greatest need, are able to receive extra help through this program. Academic testing is also available through the local public school systems.

PTO is a valuable organization in our school. It is an opportunity for parents to get involved and meet new families. It is also a way of supporting the general programs of our school. All parents are encouraged to participate in the various activities of the PTO.

Our goal is to have a high quality academic and Christian education for every child. The course of study at Suburban Bethlehem is based on the general course of study for Lutheran elementary schools. It is in compliance with the Indiana course of study for elementary and junior high schools. Seventh and eighth grade students receive catechetical instruction in their religion class from our pastor. This course of study will prepare students for their confirmation and for communicant membership in the Lutheran church - Missouri Synod.

Band & Strings
At SBLS, band is offered to students in grades 4th thru 8th and strings is offered to students in grades 3rd thru 8th. Our band director is provided through a cooperative effort with Concordia Lutheran High School.This program is designed to give children the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument and give them the chance to develop their musical skills. Students not only achieve personal satisfaction, but also experience the joy of playing for the enjoyment of others. Additionally, students are given the opportunity to serve and glorify our Lord and Savior through their God given talents.

Athletics are an important part of student life at Suburban Bethlehem. But we believe that athletics are a privilege, rather than a right. Academics always come before optional athletics. With a relatively small number of middle school students, most of our students are able to participate in many sports, if they so desire. Often this is not true in larger public middle schools.